*The formal definition of a ground-level enhancement (GLE):
A GLE event is registered
when there are near-time coincident and statistically significant enhancements of the count rates of at
least two differently located neutron monitors including at least one neutron monitor near sea level and
a corresponding enhancement in the proton flux measured by a space-borne instrument(s)" (Poluianov et al., 2017). The
definition of a sub-GLE:
"A sub-GLE event is registered when there are near-time coincident and
statistically significant enhancements of the count rates of at least two differently located
high-elevation neutron monitors and a corresponding enhancement in the proton flux measured by a
space-borne instrument(s), but no statistically significant enhancement in the count rates of
neutron monitors near sea level" (Poluianov et al., 2017).
The anisotropic cosmic-ray enhancement (ACRE) event is described in
Gil et al. (2018).
After being created and maintained by Louise Gentile,
Peggy Shea, Don Smart and Marc Duldig, this database has been moved to the University of Oulu, Finland
in 2014. Please acknowledge this website when using the data. The data is served from a database,
that keeps a copy of original data files, which can be found at
link. Data in the original files takes precedence over database content if these appear
different. The database is hosted and managed by the
Cosmic Ray Station of the University of Oulu, Finland.
Data manager: Prof. Ilya
Ilya.Usoskin@oulu.fi. Website issues: Dr.
Askar Ibragimov,
Acknowlegements: we appreciate contribution by A. Belov, M. Duldig, E. Eroshenko, L. Gentile, J.
Humble, H. Moraal, M. Shea, D. Smart, V. Yanke, and an army of individual NM station managers who
performed tremendous
work on collecting data presented in this database. We acknowledge the use of data from
NMDB and also from
WDC CR for calibration of the data in some